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Chris Conrad
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Chris Conrad - Author - Court Qualified Cannabis Expert Witness - Educator - October 18, 2013
Chris Conrad is a popular speaker at rallies, events and universities, author of "Hemp: Lifeline to the Future", "Hemp for Health" and "Cannabis Yields and Dosage", is a court-qualified cannabis expert witness who has testified in hundreds of trials and proceedings, including the California Supreme Court's landmark People v Kelly (2009). He founded the Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp in 1989, which resurrected the hemp industry, as well as the Family Council on Drug Awareness. He designed, edited and produced Jack Herer's book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" in 1990. He was a founding member and became the first President elected by the Hemp Industries Association in 1994. He was a board member in 2001 when the Hemp Industries Association successfully sued the DEA to stop it from banning hemp seed foods. He is a designing curator of the Hash, Marihuana and Hemp Museum in Amsterdam and curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum.
Conrad, who teaches at Oaksterdam University, was editor in chief of Oaksterdam News and publisher of the West Coast Leaf, the cannabis newspaper of record, with his wife Mikki Norris. They also founded Human Rights and the Drug War and are co-authors of Shattered Lives: Portraits From America’s Drug War. He and Mikki were volunteer petition coordinators for California's Prop 215, the nation's first medical marijuana law. They also consulted in the writing of Senate Bill 420 and on Prop 19, California's 2010 ballot initiative that opened up the debate and paved the way for Washington and Colorado to legalize marijuana two years later.